The Great Wikipedia Race

The Museum Of All Things is a project from Maya Claire which transforms Wikipedia into a fully traversable wildly ambient 3D space. It is, imo, a masterpiece of liminal edu-tainment.
Each exhibit is generated from a wikipedia article with corridors to associated exhibits generated from the links on the original article. This is an environment perfect, imo, for Wikipedia Racing - a game played in college computer suites worldwide in which players need to navigate from one Wikipedia article to another in either the shortest time or fewest clicks. Once I began livestreaming myself wiki-racing using the Museum Of All Things other livestreamers took an interest and soon plans for a big public competition were hatched.
Competition Details
The Great Wikipedia Race will take place on Monday 17th March from 8pm - 10pm GMT. The competition will be taking place on and hosted by my channel. To participate you must livestream your attempt to using the Museum Of All Things category. Please use an unmodified version of the museum..
You can download The Museum Of All Things here or here
The Rules
- 30 minutes before the beginning of the tournament (7.30pm GMT) a 5x5 bingo card of possible Wikipedia articles will be randomly generated.
- This bingo card will be accessible from my bluesky, my discord and be visible on my stream for you to screenshot.
- During the tournament players will be attempting to cross off items from the card by finding the articles inside the museum.
- You can visit any article in any order you like. There is no correct order to cross off your bingo card items.
- When a player finds one of these articles in the museum they can cross it off their card
- The first player to complete an entire line on their card and declare it to me on my channel using the !declare command wins.
- If no players achieve bingo in the two hour time limit. Then the player with the most articles crossed off their bingo card wins.
- If two or more players are tied for first place, they enter a sudden death mode where the next player to cross off an additional square wins.

- After generating the card I will draw a random starting article.
- Every player must begin their museum run by using the custom exhibit terminal located directly behind you when you load into the museum.
- If your game crashes you are allowed to use the custom exhibit terminal to resume the run when you left off.
- You must use a recent unmodified release of The Museum Of All Things
- You may not may not consult google, wikipedia or any other external helpful website during the tournament.
Remember: Once you have created a line you should declare it to me by coming into my chat and using the !declare command.
Add a wikipedia article here.
Submitted articles will be randomly drawn to create the bingo card.
Be aware: MoaT wiki-racing is much harder than using the site! Extremely specific or obscure articles will exceedingly difficult to find.
Get In Touch
If you want to get in touch with me for any reason, you can contact me on Or you can contact me on discord or on Bluesky DMs. If you find another viable way of contacting me, that works too.